
Ojai Valley Inn: Ojai, California Metamask “Serenity Season” is right on time at the Ojai Valley Inn, where spa treatments, golf, tennis, yoga and more can be incorporated into a restorative stay at this 220-acre coastal valley resort.

Treasure hunts, s’mores roasting, a nightly Menorah lighting, elf cookie delivery and breakfast with Santa are among the festivities in December. On December 24, there’s a Jingle Bell Jaunt across the resort grounds.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinner will be served at both Olivella and The Oak, and there’s a grand buffet on Christmas Day at The Farmhouse ($195 per adult, including wine; $65 for children 12 and younger).

Rates for Christmas week start at $829.

Ojai Valley Inn, Ojai, California

The Greenbrier: White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia Natural mineral springs have drawn guests, including US presidents, to The Greenbrier property for more than two centuries. The historic hotel opened in 1913.

A fun run, a holiday scavenger hunt and ornament and cookie decorating are all part of The Greenbrier’s lineup in the days surrounding December 25.

On Christmas Eve, there’s a Season’s Greetings Dinner ($125 per adult; $55 per child) and a service in the resort’s chapel. On Christmas Day, puzzles and board games and a Christmas musical performance will keep families entertained.

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